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  • 首页 / 女毕业生/我 / 女毕业生的故事 / Karl Brunjes, MA | Ursuline - Liberal Arts College in OH

    Karl Brunjes, MA

    Historic Preservation

    My Ursuline education was directly responsible for me being able to obtain my current job.

    Karl Brunjes, MA

    Why I Chose Ursuline

    I had just moved to Cleveland two years before deciding to return to school. I considered a few different schools and felt being near family would be my best option. I was also attracted to the opportunity to earn a master’s degree in Historic Preservation, which wasn’t offered at some of the other universities.

    Putting My Ursuline Degree to Work

    After graduating from Ursuline, I got a job as Senior Assistant City Planner for the City of Cleveland’s Landmarks Commission. My job is very dependent on research. For each building that is considered for landmark designation, I have to check multiple resources to build the case why it meets historic, architectural and/or cultural importance to the city. We also assist the public with maintaining their home and commercial buildings by applying the Secretary of Interior Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. 在Ursuline, I was introduced to research methods, architectural identification and appropriate repair and/or replacement techniques for these historic properties. Even with properties that are not under our jurisdiction, we are asked to advise developers with appropriate repairs.

    I’m Making My World More…

    (有影响力.] My Ursuline education was directly responsible for me being able to obtain my current job. I use the information I learned at Ursuline every day. I am hoping that over time, I will be able to help influence policy in making historic preservation and cultural conservation a priority and use our historic resources as an anchor for future development.