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  • 首页 / 日历 / An Introduction to Solutions Journalism | January 28, 2022 | Ursuline - Liberal Arts College in OH

    An Introduction to Solutions Journalism

    January 28, 2022 from 10:00am - 11:00am

    An Introduction to Solutions Journalism

    Join us to hear Julia Hotz, communities manager at Solutions Journalism Network, introduce this organization whose mission is "to transform journalism so that all people have access to news that helps them envision and build a more equitable and sustainable world."

    More from the Solutions Journalism Network website:

    "Journalism is being called to meet an historic moment. Societies around the globe are reeling from inequality, 种族歧视, extreme polarization, political dysfunction and environmental crises. Yet journalism is struggling to be the corrective force it can be. Together, we can do better. By covering solutions to local and global challenges, journalists can equip people in all communities with the knowledge to envision and build a more equitable and sustainable world."

    Ms. Hotz is a journalist reporting on systemic solutions to loneliness, 焦虑, 和抑郁, with bylines in The New York Times, The Boston Globe, 《BOB》杂志, Scientific American, 彭博, TIME, 和更多的. She’s currently developing a book proposal to explore the science and stories of social prescribing — the radically simple and effective practice of connecting people with activities, 资源, and other people to improve their health. With her podcast-partner-in-coolness, 杰伊·伍德沃德, she cohosts "Google, Tell Me Something Good" -- a daily newscast exploring what's working. Before joining SJN, she wore many non-journalism hats, including: high school English teacher, 酒保, pizza shop waitress, 数学家庭教师, and summer camp "forest ranger" for five-year-olds who wanted to do everything but be in a forest. She's a proud alum of both University of Cambridge and Union College.

    This presentation is part of a series supporting Ursuline's Women Entrepreneurs + Innovators program, made possible by a grant from the Burton D. Morgan Foundation.