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    We'll help you match your strengths and  interests to an in-demand career. 

    Ursuline college students in workshop

    Prepare for your Career

    Employers are looking for a resume that proves you have the skills and experience to succeed in the workplace. We’ll help you build that proof.

    Assess your Strengths, Build your Plan

    You’ll start by taking a Career FIT assessment that will uncover your strengths, interests and passions and point toward best career choices. Then you’ll meet one-on-one with a Career Coach who will help you understand what your results mean. Together, you’ll map out an educational plan leading to your goals. You’ll discuss the best major for you and the right workforce experiences. And you’ll revisit that plan often as you chart your future.

    Certify your Skills

    To ensure you graduate ready to make an impact, you’ll earn Career FIT certifications in key professional skill areas, in demand by employers: Self-Management, Communicating Clearly, 团队合作, Thinking on your Feet, 解决问题. Once you successfully complete these modules, you’ll be certified in each area, providing employers with tangible evidence of your preparation for the work world.

    Network with Ursuline 女毕业生/我 through Alumnifire

    AlumniFire is a powerful networking platform that will help our alumni and students open doors for one another in the real world.


    AlumniFire makes it easy to connect with alumnae/i that want to help you.  为什么? Because every member of Ursuline College’s AlumniFire has volunteered to help fellow Arrows by sharing their personal and professional expertise.

    From career advice and mentorship to internships and job leads, AlumniFire is filled with Arrows looking to open doors. It also highlights open jobs at companies where Arrows work so you can navigate potential opportunities with ease.