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    马上申请 访问Ursuline 找一个项目 请求的信息

    学术指导 & 支持服务

    Explore the tutoring centers available at Ursuline to help students succeed



    Professional tutors and well-trained and faculty-recommended peer tutors offer free tutoring. Students can schedule appointments one week at a time when they need it rather than committing to a semester-long tutoring session.

    科目包括会计学, 生物学, 业务, 化学, 电脑, 英语, 逻辑, 数学, 音乐, 护理, 心理学, 物理, 大学写作, 学习技巧, 和更多的.



    While tutoring focuses on helping students understand general course content, ACSS promotes active engagement and participation among students. 通过团队合作, 学生可以提问, 分享他们的见解, 合作解决问题. This active involvement enhances their understanding of the subject and fosters 批判性思维 skills.

    Group tutoring provides a supportive and encouraging environment for students. They can learn from their peers, exchange ideas, and receive feedback from multiple perspectives.


    Students engage in collaborative sessions with writing academic coaches to enhance their capacity to effectively express their thoughts through written communication across various subjects and writing styles. 而不是简单地提交论文进行校对, students actively participate in refining their writing skills and gaining insights from their errors, 与写作学术教练一起工作.

    在写作中心安排时间 for start-to-finish help with papers and writing projects


    The 学术素养专家 can help you better understand what you read and so much more. 我们的专家将:

    • Provide strategies to help you improve your reading comprehension, 批判性思维, 学习技巧
    • 给 you tips for better organizing your work and managing your time
    • Review your written responses to readings and help you edit your own work

    安排扫盲专家的时间 或电邮Lorie.Lubman@whitedogskin.net for help with reading and understanding textbooks, scholarly articles, 和更多的.


    eTutoring is a collaborative effort between Ohio’s two- and four-year institutions, allowing undergraduate students to interact with trained tutors in numerous academic areas. eTutoring为传统课程提供学术支持, 在线课程, 还有远程学习的学生. Services are available beyond the typically on-campus Academic Support Department’s hours and for students who cannot make it to campus.


    • 会计
    • 代数
    • 解剖学与生理学
    • 天文学
    • 微积分
    • 化学
    • 计算机科学
    • 数学
    • 护理学数学
    • 有机化学
    • 物理
    • 统计数据


    • Live tutoring sessions in an online room within the eTutoring platform room, 利用音频, 一个白板, 文档共享和即时消息.
    • Writing reviews where students receive encouragement and suggestions on improving their written work.


    大学阅读 & Learning Association’s (CRLA) International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC) has certified the HCC face-to-face Tutoring Program as a Level 1 Certified Tutor provider. CRLA granted certification for the HCC Tutor programs at the Southeast, 西南, 中央, 科尔曼, 东北 & Northwest campuses to issue certificates to tutors who meet their requirements. 自1989年以来, / (1,000 college tutor training programs around the globe have received ITTPC at one or more levels.

    Ursuline College has a Level 1 CRLA Certification through 大学阅读 & Learning Association’s (CRLA) International Tutor Training Program.



    1. 学术辅导研习课程(ACSS) are open to all registered students for that specific course. Registered students can go to the sessions, no email is required.

    2. 对于1对1的学术辅导,需要一封电子邮件. 向卡门申请学术支持.houston@ursuline.Edu或tutoring@whitedogskin.net. You will be paired with a peer/professional academic coach and through mutual availability you will schedule your session time.

    3. Help with writing papers can be requested through the 写作中心. While we encourage students to make appointments, we accept walk-ins if a tutor is available. However, it is recommended to schedule in advance to secure a tutoring slot. 在写作中心安排时间


    Summary of Position: Work individually or in small groups modeling appropriate study behavior and assisting students in areas of difficulty.

    最少3人.0 GPA成为同行学术教练
    Received a grade of A or B in the Ursuline courses to be tutored

    找到 more information on becoming a peer academic coach by sending an email to carmen.houston@whitedogskin.net.



    Q: What subjects does the tutoring department offer assistance in?

    A:辅导部门在很多科目上提供帮助, 包括但不限于数学, 英语, 生物学, 化学, 和护理.


    A: You can schedule a tutoring session by visiting our online scheduling system or by contacting the tutoring department directly.


    A: Yes, tutoring sessions are free of charge for currently enrolled students.


    答:绝对! You can receive tutoring help for multiple subjects based on availability and scheduling.


    A:辅导课通常持续一个小时, but the duration can be adjusted based on the student's needs and availability.


    A: Students are able to drop in for 学术指导 Study Sessions. However, 1 on 1 sessions are arranged through the mutual availability of the coach and student.


    A: You can request a specific tutor based on their availability and expertise.


    A:辅导课程可以是一对一的,也可以是小组的, 取决于学生的偏好和可用性.

    Q: What if I need assistance with a specialized course or program?

    A: We strive to assist with specialized courses or programs whenever possible. 具体情况请咨询辅导部门, 我们会尽力满足您的需求.


    答:绝对! 我们的导师可以帮助准备考试, 包括复习材料, 练习样题, 提供学习策略.