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  • 首页 / 学者 / 找一个项目 / 企业管理 Bachelor’s Degree Program | Ursuline - Liberal Arts College in OH

    企业管理 Bachelor’s Degree Program


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    企业管理 企业管理 Bachelor’s Degree Program

    Design your career in business.


    准备好迈出下一步了? 应用 online and receive a decision within two weeks.


    Through a combination of traditional liberal arts curriculum and theoretical and applied business practices, Ursuline's 企业管理 bachelor's degree program will prepare you for meaningful managerial positions in business, government and non-profit organizations.


    Learn about the entire business organization and gain an understanding of economics, 市场营销, 会计, and finance through practical work assignments. 更具体地说:

    • Identify and apply the major concepts in the functional areas of business including 会计, 市场营销, 财务与管理.
    • Evaluate the legal, social and economic environments of business.
    • Analyze the global environment of business.
    • Describe and explain the ethical principles of business.
    • 应用 quantitative support tools to business decision making.
    • Demonstrate effective oral and written professional communication.


    Want to compliment your degree with a certificate in a high-demand, skill-focused specialization? Ursuline College now offers three professional certificates taught by national experts and thought leaders:


    Ursuline has achieved specialized accreditation through the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, which means this program exceeds all 18 industry standards of excellence in business education.

    Looking to complete your business degree in a traditional, daytime format in Northeast Ohio? 阅读我们的 企业管理 degree program for traditional undergraduates.

    Public Disclosure of Student Achievement

    桥项目: 企业管理 Bachelor’s Degree Program

    Ursuline College undergraduate junior or senior students with a 3.0 GPA or higher may take up to 4 MBA courses (12 credit hours) toward both MBA graduate credit and undergraduate credit.

    The following are the eligible graduate courses:

    • Any of these 6 courses may count toward one of the following electives: General, 企业管理, 或体育管理.
    • Students my take MBA 501 in place of BU 440 领导 Competencies.
    • Students may take MBA 669 in place of BU 358 Entrepreneurship.
    • Note: Two electives are required for students in both undergraduate 企业管理 and undergraduate Sport Management.

    MBA 501领导力 & 情商
    MBA 506 市场营销 Strategy Global & 国内
    MBA 507金融 & 管理会计
    MBA 512管理经济学
    MBA 554项目管理 & 团队动力
    MBA 669 Entrepreneurial 领导 & 创建新企业

    职业: 企业管理 Bachelor’s Degree Program

    A bachelor's degree in business management prepares students to succeed in entry-level management positions and career advancement.

    Recent graduates of UCAP’s accelerated business program have found employment with the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Developer’s Diversified Realty, 众达国际法律事务所, 关键的银行, 诉讼管理, 路博润公司, 派克汉尼汾公司, 飞利浦医疗系统, 进步的保险, 舍温•威廉姆斯, University Hospital Health System, and other leading organizations in Northeast Ohio.

    企业管理 Bachelor’s Degree Program

    奖学金: 企业管理 Bachelor’s Degree Program


    WIN(网络中的女性), an organization for women entrepreneurs and business professionals, annually awards scholarships to Ursuline junior- or senior-year female students who demonstrate financial need and are pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in 企业管理. WIN Cleveland established this scholarship as part of its mission to provide “opportunities for women to learn and thrive, personally and professionally.”
