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    马上申请 访问Ursuline 找一个项目 请求的信息

    教育,4+1项目 教育,4+1项目

    Earn a bachelor's and master's degree in five years to prepare for a rewarding career in P-12 educational settings.


    Ready to take the next step? 应用 online and receive a decision within two weeks.


    Ursuline's undergraduate education program is a 4+1 bridge program. 作为一名本科生, you'll pursue a major that interests you and supports the licensure area you plan to pursue. (这是4.) You'll take 12-15 credits of education courses that will provide the foundation you'll build upon at the master’s level. Once you earn your BA, you’ll enter our graduate 中途入职教师认证项目, which you will complete in one year. (这是1.) You’ll leave Ursuline College with bachelor's and master's degrees, eligible to apply for an Ohio 4-Year Resident Educator License to provide stimulating, engaging and educationally challenging instruction in P-12 settings.

    Please note: Ursuline's previous, traditional undergraduate education programs leading to licensure are being placed in dormancy status with the State of Ohio. For more information about options, please email Dr. 凯蒂Tuohey 或者拨打440.720.3861.

    桥项目: 教育,4+1项目

    The fifth year of this 4+1 program will be your year in our Master Apprenticeship Program. MAP is an intensive one-year program that immerses you in the classroom during the school year and allows you to take foundational methods courses in the summer. Some of your MAP classmates will be graduates of other colleges who have decided to make a career pivot and become teachers. Together, you'll learn from master educators and join their professional networks.


    The 教育 programs at Ursuline College are accredited through the Council for the 认证 of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The programs are also approved by the Chancellor of the Oho Department of Higher 教育.

    The Master Apprenticeship Program (MAP), an initial teacher licensure program, begins in the summer and is completed in one year. CAEP accreditation indicates that MAP successfully prepares new teachers to know their subject area, effectively serve diverse groups of students, have meaningful pre-service experiences, and use data to drive targeted program improvement.

    The MAP program includes the following licensure areas:

    • Adolescence to Young Adult 教育 (AYA) 7-12 (Integrated ELA, 综合数学, Life 科学s and Integrated Social Studies
    • Middle Childhood 教育 4-9 (choose two of the following concentrations: ELA/Reading, 科学, 数学, 及社会研究)
    • 小学5
    • Intervention Specialist: Mild to Moderate Needs, K-12,
    • Multi-Age Visual Arts P-12

    职业: 教育,4+1项目

    The teaching profession remains a rewarding, worthwhile and respected career. 在当今不断变化的世界, opportunities exist for teachers who are well prepared, 灵活和适应性强. There is a demand for teachers in the far Midwest, 西, 和南, as well as opportunities closer to home. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that kindergarten and elementary employment will grow by 7% between 2016 and 2026, and middle school and high school employment is expected to grow by 8% between 2016 and 2026. Our graduates secure jobs in public, parochial, private and charter institutions.

