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  • 首页 / 学者 / 找一个项目 / LECOM Medical College Early Acceptance Program | Ursuline - Liberal Arts College in OH

    LECOM Medical College Early Acceptance Program


    马上申请 访问Ursuline 找一个项目 请求的信息

    LECOM Medical College Early Acceptance Program LECOM Medical College Early Acceptance Program

    医学院? 医药学校? 牙科学校? 我们会帮你到达那里.


    准备好迈出下一步了? 应用 online and receive a decision within two weeks.


    如果你觉得自己是一名医生, 牙医或药剂师, it's possible to be accepted into medical, 牙科, or 医药学校 while still a senior in high school, thanks to Ursuline's new partnership with Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM).

    Our 4+4 Early Acceptance Program (EAP) through LECOM means that, 如果合格, you could gain acceptance to both Ursuline and LECOM to earn a seat in the medical, 牙科 or 药店 professional programs. It's possible to get accepted as early as senior year in high school or as late as April of your second year at Ursuline.

    Through this program, you'll earn a traditional four-year bachelor’s degree from Ursuline in 生物学, 生物化学, or 化学 and automatically enter a four-year medical, 牙科, or 药店 program the summer after graduation.

    LECOM is the nation’s largest medical school, with three locations in Pennsylvania and one in Florida. Notably, LECOM has a 97% board pass rate for first-time test-takers. 申请EAP是免费的. Acceptance saves time, money and stress and keeps you focused on your goal!

    LECOM reserves up to five seats each year specifically for Ursuline students.

    If you’re thinking of applying to medical school, 医药学校, 或者牙科学校, the best thing to be competitive is build a broad academic/extracurricular resume:

    • Gain exposure to the natural sciences, 社会科学, 人文学科, and fine arts through the Ursuline 核心课程
    • Take a sequence of prerequisites for admission to medical school, 药学院或牙科学院, 同时主修生物学, 化学, 或生物化学
    • Conduct your own research in our newly renovated lab spaces and present your findings at our 学生研究研讨会
    • 培养领导能力, 从事服务, and round out your resume by fully participating in campus life

    To learn more about Ursuline's 4+4 partnership with Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, 联系学院联络员, Dr. 林恩Ulatowski


    桥项目: LECOM Medical College Early Acceptance Program

    After four years of majoring at Ursuline, qualified students may enroll at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine and complete the medical, 药店, or 牙科 program in four additional years.

    入学要求: LECOM Medical College Early Acceptance Program

    Application Requirements for High school students

    • 高中未加权平均绩点3分.5或同等学历
    • SAT score of 1240 or higher or an ACT score of 26 or higher. 超分是不能接受的
    • 应用ing to, accepted to, or currently enrolled at Ursuline.
    • Complete all LECOM application requirements

    Application Requirements for Current Ursuline students

    • GPA 3.大学本科以上学历
    • 理科GPA 3.3 or higher including labs but no math course
    • Students cannot apply to the program if they have more than 65 transfer credits from an institution (including CCP) other than Ursuline.
    • Complete 2 years at Ursuline as part of the Early Acceptance Program. All required classes must be taken at the affiliate school. If a student has taken a required class at another school, 这门课必须重修, or a higher-level version of the class must be taken
    • Students must pursue a Bachelor’s degree in a biological or physical science

    Maintenance Criteria for the Program

    • Minimum overall grade point average of 3.在乌尔苏拉
    • 最低绩点3分.3 or better in all Ursuline science courses
    • Organic 化学 II is now a required class and cannot be replaced with 生物化学 (for a full list of required classes, please see the attached policy manual)
    • AP credit may not be used for required science courses in the medical and 牙科 school and will be only accepted for these courses by the 医药学校 if a score of three or higher is obtained on the exam
    • Complete LECOM prerequisites and application requirements. All required classes must be taken at the affiliate school. If a student has taken a required class at another school, 这门课必须重修, or a higher-level version of the class must be taken
    • If a student fails a class, even a non-required class, the student will be removed from the EAP
    • Students have 30 days to report academic or conduct violations to LECOM
    • Must maintain full-time status with no interruptions
    • The DAT is required for all 牙科 school applicants, and Academic Average of > 18 and sub-category scores > 17 are required
