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    Master of Arts in Theological and Pastoral Studies Program


    马上申请 访问Ursuline 找一个项目 请求的信息

    Theological and Pastoral Studies Master of Arts in Theological and Pastoral Studies Program

    Put your faith into action at a leadership level with a master's in theology.


    Ready to take the next step? 应用 online and receive a decision within two weeks.


    The Theological and Pastoral Studies (TAPS) program is designed for women and men who are called to leadership and scholarly service in the church and in the world. Grounded solidly in the Catholic and Ursuline tradition, this master's in theology program welcomes students of all denominations 反映了 普遍的方法 in its course content, Biblical studies, and curricular offerings.

    If you feel called to ministry, consider earning a Certificate in Lay Ecclesial Ministry. The courses in Scripture, 系统神学, 道德神学, and pastoral and ministerial skills required by the Cleveland Catholic Diocese for its certification as a Lay Ecclesial Minister are available through Ursuline College. For more information on the Diocesan Lay Ecclesial Ministry Certification program, 点击这里.

    Q+A with Current Theology Students

    What distinguishes Ursuline’s program is its focus on practice in the field of pastoral care, rather than only on doctrine. Its flexibility with working adults and its accommodation for unexpected life events make it an empathetic and holistic place to learn, 成长, 并蓬勃发展. 朱莉安娜Kurdila

    Accomplished, Accessible Theology 教师

    The master's in theology and pastoral studies faculty members teaching in Ursuline's TAPS program hold the terminal degrees in their field and are popular public speakers and authors.

    桥项目: Master of Arts in Theological and Pastoral Studies Program

    Ursuline's undergraduate Religious Studies majors may "bridge" into this master's program by taking graduate ministry courses (while still an undergrad) that satisfy up to nine undergrad credits.

    职业: Master of Arts in Theological and Pastoral Studies Program

    A master's in theology will prepare you to serve in a broad range of pastoral and ministerial settings or as doctoral preparation. Our graduates serve in a variety of ministries, including:

    • 教区牧师
    • 青年部
    • 基督教教育
    • 校园部
    • Social justice ministries
    • 监狱部门
    • 牧师服务
    • 临终关怀
