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    英语 Bachelor's Degree Program

    更多的 program details

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    英语 英语 Bachelor's Degree Program

    Master the language.


    Ready to take the next step? 应用 online and receive a decision within two weeks.


    As an 英语 major, you’ll develop the communication and critical thinking skills that employers want and the world needs. You'll develop a solid foundation in language studies through the program's focus on literary works and their interpretation.

    You'll also have opportunities to practice what you’re learning. You might be the next member of 内在的特性的 编辑委员会, earn your induction into our Epsilon Psi chapter of the national 英语 honor society, 西格玛τ δ, or read aloud some of your favorite literature during Banned Books Week.

    内在的特性, Ursuline's award-winning fine arts annual, is edited and designed by students to showcase their own and other students' powerful creative writing and visual art. It's a tradition dating back to 1945! 的 Associated Collegiate Press 授予 内在的特性 the prestigious First Class award in 2014.

    Check out the 2023 issue of 内在的特性.

    英语 major virtual Open House video

    职业: 英语 Bachelor's Degree Program

    研究生s with a degree in 英语 are well-suited for careers in many fields such as advertising, 业务, 政府, 人力资源, 法律, 市场营销, 出版物, 公共关系, 和销售. Some choose graduate study leading to college and university teaching or, in conjunction with an education major, for high school teaching.

    Double majoring or minoring enhances career opportunities, especially when paired with studies in Business, 心理学, 犯罪学, Pre-Law or Art and Design.
