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    本科 心理学 Program


    马上申请 访问Ursuline 找一个项目 请求的信息

    心理学 本科 心理学 Program

    Big school research opportunities meet small school personalized attention.


    Ready to take the next step? 应用 online and receive a decision within two weeks.


    As a 心理学 major, you’ll choose from the applied or graduate school track and from four concentrations to tailor your study for your career goals:

    • Clinical Forensic 心理学
    • Experimental/Cognitive 心理学
    • Industrial/Organizational 心理学
    • 学校心理学

    You'll stay busy by conducting research in our state-of-the-art research lab and presenting your findings at the Student Research Symposium each year. Like many Ursuline students before you, you may have your proposal accepted to present at a regional and national conference. 在你的时间里, you might also intern with the Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism, earn an induction into Ursuline’s Psi Chi chapter, or find inspiration from Ursuline alumni as you build your professional network.

    本科 students can also pursue a bachelor's in psychology throught the Ursuline College 加速 Program. 点击这里 了解更多.

    心理学 major virtual Open House vIDSeo

    职业: 本科 心理学 Program

    近年来, 心理学 majors have graduated to pursue graduate school and careers at the Cleveland Clinic, social services agencies, 警察部门, and research centers. Others have matriculated to graduate programs to further their education with an advanced degree and work in private counseling practices. Two recent alumnae are both seeking their Forensic 心理学 Master’s degrees at the University of Denver. Another is an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist having graduated from Xavier University. A fourth is now a psychology professor, having earned her Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University.

    本科 心理学 Program

    奖学金: 本科 心理学 Program

    奖学金 specifically for psychology majors are available to support academic excellence and travel to research conferences.
