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    马上申请 访问Ursuline 找一个项目 请求的信息


    Counseling provides a safe, confidential place to work through individual challenges and stressors that may interfere with your academic success.

    Ursuline college undergraduate woman thinking4

    The primary goal of counseling is to help individuals build upon their 的优势 and enhance their ability to address issues of life or personal adjustment. The role of the psychologist or counselor is to clarify the nature of the concern, 提供支持, encourage a deeper understanding of issues, provide information and guidelines and work towards a problem-solving solution.

    Counseling services are available to all enrolled Ursuline College students. After an initial interview/assessment to determine appropriate services, recommendations will be made to meet the counseling needs of all our students. The number of visits is determined individually. Appointments typically last for one hour. If intensive therapy or specialized acute care is required, the student will be referred to appropriate community or private agencies.

    当前的紧急 & 危机政策

    In an attempt to assist students who are experiencing a crisis or emergency situation, the college will make every effort to contact an appropriate staff person. 学生应注意, 然而, that the college cannot guarantee immediate contact with an appropriate individual and in that case, should call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.


    桑玛: Dr. Anita is available 20 hours a week. 她的电子邮件 安排约会.
    August-June: In-person therapy sessions only, 8:00 - 4:30, Monday - Friday. 


    信息rmation shared with the psychologist or counselor, as mandated by law, is confidential. In other words, there is no sharing of information with anyone, including referral sources. There are some exceptions to this confidentiality, as delineated by law. If this is a matter of concern to you, please ask your counseling professional at the initial appointment.

    Cancellations and No-Shows

    Personal commitment to counseling is crucial for your success. If you must miss a session, please contact your mental health professional (psychologist or counselor) to cancel and reschedule.

    Ursuline college student walk next to pond

    Anita Forsberg Culbertson, PsyD


    作为校园心理学家, my job is to collaborate with you, the expert on your own life, and build a relationship that will empower you to reach your goals. Each of you walk through my door with a different life-experience, but all of you desire to be successful. Should you need assistance with ongoing mental health issues, should you be struggling with homesickness, or merely want to chat with me simply about something that is bothering you in the moment and are wondering if “therapy is for you”, I can be reached at 440 646 8323 or you can 给我发电子邮件 to schedule an intake assessment. I hope that you can see the reward in allowing me the opportunity to assist you in decreasing your stress and making your college experience go more smoothly.


    Anita Forsberg Culbertson, PsyD



    My role as 校园顾问 focuses on helping students identify needs, 的优势, goals and resources to connect with that will allow you to achieve meaningful change. We will collaborate together to come up with an individualized approach to finding solutions to your needs, and to help strengthen academic success during your journey at college. To schedule an intake assessment to determine the best options for you, please email me at 马太福音.bartuccio@whitedogskin.net 或者拨打440.646.8379. I look forward to working with you!

    Matthew Bartuccio headshot