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    排名 & 识别

    的 #1 college for you is a place where you’ll feel comfortable living and learning, a college that will prepare you for success in your future career and confidence in your future life, and one that you and your family can afford.

    Ursuline college young woman teaching outside3

    Don't take our word for it. Here's how others are ranking, rating and recognizing Ursuline的 programs.


    • Ursuline的 nursing program is ranked #2 in Ohio by 护士.org.
    • Ursuline的 Breen School of 护理 and Health Professions boasts a 100% employment rate post licensure.
    • Our first-time passage rate on the national nurse licensing exam is consistently over 90%.
    • Ursuline的 graduate nursing program is ranked #4 in Ohio by U.S. 新闻与世界报道.
    • 的 Chief Caregiver Officer of the Cleveland Clinic, one of the world’s top health care systems, is Ursuline College graduate K. 凯利汉考克, dnp, rn, ne-bc, fan.

    社会 工作



    • Ursuline的 本科艺术治疗 program is one of only two such programs in Ohio 和 only one with a bachelor’s-to-master’s bridge.


    • Ursuline 时尚 majors have rare access to a 4000块集合 of 20th Century American apparel and accessories for hands-on learning.


    • Ursuline的 is the only undergraduate 保护历史古迹 program in Ohio and is credentialed by the National Council on Preservation Education.

