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    Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) – Education Preparation Performance Report Data from all Education Preparation Providers across the State of Ohio are collected every year and summarized in both a state and individual institution report.

    Council for the 认证 of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Annual Reporting Measures



    俄亥俄州教师评估系统(OTES)为俄亥俄州教师准备的结果, Ursuline大学, 报告期2017-2020 NOTE: the 2022年俄亥俄州教育工作者准备绩效报告 is not yet available. 乌尔苏拉收到后就会寄出去. 

    • Description of Data: Ohio's system for evaluating teachers (OTES) provides educators with a detailed view of their performance, 专注于特定的优势和改进的机会. 该系统以研究为基础,设计透明, 公平, 并能适应俄亥俄州学区的具体情况. 此外, it builds on what educators know about the importance of ongoing assessment and feedback as a powerful vehicle to support improved practice. Teacher performance and student academic growth are the two key components of Ohio's evaluation system. 
    • OTES数据的局限性: 
      • The information in the report is for those individuals receiving their licenses with effective years of years of 2017 through 2020. 参考p. 2021年俄亥俄州教育工作者准备绩效报告2. 
      • The teacher evaluation data in this report are provided by the Ohio 教育部. 
      • 由于俄亥俄州的法律, results must be masked for institutions with fewer than 10 completers with OTES data 
    • Since Ursuline has fewer than ten completers with OTES data, there are no data shown on this report. Ursuline is in the process of gathering data from its completers and will display as available. 

    俄亥俄州校长评估系统(OPES)为俄亥俄州校长准备的结果, Ursuline大学, 报告期2017, 2018, 和2020年. 参考p. 2021年俄亥俄州教育工作者准备绩效报告中的第3项. NOTE: the 2022年俄亥俄州教育工作者准备绩效报告 is not yet available. 乌尔苏拉收到后就会寄出去. 

    • Description of Data: Ohio's system for evaluating principals (Ohio's Principal 评价 System) provides building leaders with a detailed view of their performance, 专注于特定的优势和改进的机会. 
    • Ohio law does not allow EPP’s with fewer than ten principals to have value-added data displayed. Only the number (N) is reported on the Ohio Educator Preparation Performance Report. 


    Ohio's value-added data system provides information on student academic gains. The information reported below is for those individuals reported in 2017-2020 by Ohio's Education Value-Added Assessment System. NOTE: the 2022年俄亥俄州教育工作者准备绩效报告 is not yet available. 乌尔苏拉收到后就会寄出去. 

    • The value-added data is based on Elementary and Middle School Tests (Grades 4-8) and End of Course Tests for high school credit. 由于系统参数排除了人口统计数据缺失的记录, 有些记录未被报道. 也, Ursuline graduates who teach in schools that do not report value-added data are not included in the data collection. 
      • For Value-Added Data for Students Taught by Teachers Prepared by Ohio Educator Preparation Providers at Ursuline大学 refer to p. 2021年俄亥俄州教育工作者准备绩效报告中的第5项. 
    • Demographic Data for Schools in which Ursuline大学 研究生s who have Value-Added Data 
      • For Demographic 信息rmation for Schools where Ursuline大学-Prepared Teachers with Value-Added Data Serve refer to p.《BOB》第6名.



    • To gather information on employer satisfaction with the quality of preparation received by the Ursuline completers teaching in their schools, surveys are being sent to the person most familiar with the completer/teacher. 该链接提供了2016-2020年完井公司的调查信息. 2021年数据将在收到后公布. The survey consists of questions around categories: (1) Foundations of Teaching, (2)规划, (3)指令, (4)评估, (5)技术, (6)多样性, (7)动机和投入, (8)专业和道德行为和(9)反思实践. 点击这里查看结果.


    • To gather information on employer satisfaction with the quality of preparation provided by Ursuline for the completers who are principals in their schools, 调查报告被寄给了校长导师. 点击这里查看结果


    注:2022年的数据尚未公布. 有资料时将予以公布. 

    本科 & MAP候选人毕业率 





    • 乌尔苏拉学院的通过率, please refer to page 5 of the 2021年俄亥俄州教育工作者准备绩效报告. (Please note: The Institutional OAE information is only provided if there are more than ten completers who have taken the single assessment referenced.) 



    • 根据美国.S. 教育部, the teacher shortage areas for 2022-2023 for the State of Ohio in areas of licensure offered by Ursuline大学 Education Unit are: Art, 语言艺术, 数学, 科学, 社会研究, 特殊教育.










    乌尔苏拉的教育部门于4月26日获得认证, 2021年由教育工作者准备认证委员会(CAEP)颁发. 请参阅认证项目列表.